Post Punk Sessions
Unleash the sonic rebellion
Unleash the sonic rebellion
South African & Latin American vibes
A dark dystopian landscape
Powerful DJ software for creative mixing
The dark horse of the drill scene
Guitar tones from classic songs
Dance floor fillers & funky summer jams
Remix your favorite music with AI. In one click.
Simmering neon synths and funked up live guitars
Perfect and polish your vocal tracks
Infectious Jersey bounce & energy
Perfect your bottom-end
Punch up your electric guitar and synth leads
Next-Gen Reverb Plugin
The simple route to professional vocals
The Quickest Route to Better Guitar Production
Ultimate Guitar pushes amp and FX modelling to 11
Simple, powerful multi-band compressor
Parametric 10 band EQ
Create captivating patterns and unique rhythms
Flagship string ensembles.
The definitive orchestral extras.
Flagship woodwind instruments.
Lead instruments quintet