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- Loops & Audio
- Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio HeroAudio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1 is a gallery of our very best sound effects. We have drawn together more than 3,000 royalty free sound effects representing over 60 major sound categories – and hand selected them from many of our most popular sound effects collections. Now available FREE, only on MuseHub.
bottlehouseholdbeer open bottle with openerbeer pop off cap with openerbeer pour beer into glasssoft drink pour into glass and fizz sodasoft drink pour into glass with ice and fizz sodasoft drink remove screw lid sodasoft drink replace screw lid sodaspray trigger spray bottle: several spraysspray trigger spray bottle: single spray release triggerwine open wine bottle with corkscrew pull cork popwine wine or champagne bottle: pour into glass and fizzwine wine or champange bottle: pop cork out
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