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- Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio HeroAudio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1 is a gallery of our very best sound effects. We have drawn together more than 3,000 royalty free sound effects representing over 60 major sound categories – and hand selected them from many of our most popular sound effects collections. Now available FREE, only on MuseHub.
constructionsawdrillhammervicefilelatheair chisel air chisel: working on concreteair wrench air wrench: loosen wheel nutsambience building construction: machinery pile driversambience excavation: scrapers bulldozerambience home construction: hammers saws machineryambience road repair: two jack hammers compressorarc arc welder: weld bead on metal platebackhoe case 680: digging hole tractorband wood band saw: long cutbench bench vice: crank handle aroundbulldozer cat d8: working around sitechisel wood hammer and chisel: splitting woodcircular circular saw: rip plywoodcircular circular saw: start cut shut offcompressor industrial compressor: start run shut offdump truck dumping dirt up closeelectric bench grinder: grindinggrader grader tractor: slow pass bygrindergrinder large grinder: grindinghammer 3/4' hammer drill: drill hole into concretehand 1/2' electric: drill several holeshand 3/8' cordless: drill several holeshand cross-cut saw: sawing plankhand hack saw: cutting threaded rodhand hand plane: long pass over woodhand vice grips: snap openhand vice grips: tighten down on boltjackhammer single jackhammerjigsaw jigsaw: short cutjointer plate plate jointer: pass narrow piece throughloader bobcat: working around site front end loadermetal file: continuous filing on copper pipemetal metal lathe: finish turn of metal stockplanepress wood drill press: bore one hole med speedradial arm saw radial arm saw: several cutsratchet hand: loosen nut wrenchratchet hand: tighten nut wrenchrouter 3/4' router: rout channel in woodsander belt sander: sandingsander industrial sander: start run stopsander vibrating sander: sanding
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