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  3. Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1 is a gallery of our very best sound effects. We have drawn together more than 3,000 royalty free sound effects representing over 60 major sound categories – and hand selected them from many of our most popular sound effects collections. Now available FREE, only on MuseHub.

gunricochet ricochet: single shot bullet weaponsci fiphaser hand phaser: single shot weaponhand gun 380 makarov: single shot weaponshot gun 12 gauge: single shot weaponairgun pump action weaponairgun rapid fire weaponairgun short bursts weaponairgun single shot weaponairgun valve slide weaponammunition open cardboard box of bullets and remove weaponanti tank 20mm: single shot weaponanti tank 20mm: two shots weaponbullet machine gun bullets passing by weaponcannon black powder cannon: single blast weaponcannon howitzer m101 105mm cannon: fire order and four simultaneous shots artillery weaponcannon howitzer m101 105mm cannon: single shot artillery weaponhand gun 380 makarov: load clip weaponhand gun 380 makarov: remove clip release chamber weaponhand gun 380 makarov: two shots quickly weaponhand gun colt 45: dry fire weaponhand gun colt 45: pull back hammer weaponhand gun colt 45: single shot weaponhand gun colt 45: turn cylinder one notch weaponhand gun colt 45: turn cylinder weaponhand gun colt government 1911a1 . 45 automatic pistol: single shot weaponhand gun imi jericho 9mm automatic pistol: dry fire weaponhand gun imi jericho 9mm automatic pistol: load clip into gun weaponhand gun imi jericho 9mm automatic pistol: pull hammer back weaponhand gun imi jericho 9mm automatic pistol: pull slide lock and release weaponhand gun imi jericho 9mm automatic pistol: single shot weaponhand gun ruger old army . 44 black powder revolver: single shot weaponhand gun smith and wesson chief special . 38 special revolver: single shot weaponhand gun smith and wesson model 586 . 38 special revolver: single shot weaponhand gun smith and wesson model 586 357 magnum revolver: single shot weaponholster draw from holster weaponholster return to holster weaponmachine machine gun: short burst weaponmachine gun berretta m 12 9mm submachine gun: fire 30 round burst weaponmachine gun berretta m 12 9mm submachine gun: load clip into gun weaponmachine gun berretta m 12 9mm submachine gun: remove clip from gun weaponmachine gun browning m2 . 50 machine gun: fire 10 round burst weaponmachine gun colt m16 a2 . 223 automatic rifle: fire 5 round burst weaponmachine gun colt m16 a2 . 223 automatic rifle: single shot weaponmachine gun glock 18 9mm submachine gun: fire 21 round burst weaponmachine gun gm m3 a1 . 45 acp submachine gun: fire 9 round burst weaponmachine gun imi mini uzi 9mm submachine gun: load clip into gun weaponmachine gun imi mini uzi 9mm submachine gun: remove clip from gun weaponmachine gun mas famas f1 . 223 automatic rifle: fire 10 round burst weapon
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Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1: samples, sound and loops download | MuseHub