Mr Sample
The lofi sampler of your dreams
The lofi sampler of your dreams
Neo-classic sound of your childhood.
Ultimate Guitar pushes amp and FX modelling to 11
Animistic Performance Reverb
Simple, powerful multi-band compressor
10 band parametric EQ for sound design
Parametric 10 band EQ
AI powered instruments and effects
Create captivating patterns and unique rhythms
FREE, Light Edition of BOREALIS
An essential collection of mix effects
Flagship string ensembles.
Bold, detailed and powerful.
The definitive orchestral extras.
Legendary London organ
A true Baroque beauty
Flagship brass instruments and ensembles
Flagship woodwind instruments.
Lead instruments quintet
Shimmering and majestic orchestral harps.
Expressive solo woodwinds
Recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage
The sound of Hollywood
A huge collection of large and small percussion