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Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1 is a gallery of our very best sound effects. We have drawn together more than 3,000 royalty free sound effects representing over 60 major sound categories – and hand selected them from many of our most popular sound effects collections. Now available FREE, only on MuseHub.

autoracecrash hard car impact metal and glass debrispolice ext: pass by at fast speed with siren emergency vehiclecarwash brush carwash: car int: heavy brush slappingcobra '75 cobra rs427 : ext: start idle shut off from hoodcobra '75 cobra rs427: ext: approach pass by left to right high speedcobra '75 cobra rs427: ext: pull up from right slow speed stop idle shut off with backfirecobra '75 cobra rs427: ext: start idle accelerate normally to high speed from centre to rightcrash car impact into telephone pole electrical arcing pole falls on car metal and glass debriscrash car rolling down hillsidecrash crash test dummy impact in car crashcrash hard car impact on concretecrash large object falling on car metal and glass debrisdragster top fuel dragster: stage at start line race awayferrari testarossa ext: approach pass by left to right slow speedferrari testarossa ext: door close person outsideferrari testarossa ext: door open person outsideferrari testarossa ext: engine compartment (trunk) closeferrari testarossa ext: engine compartment (trunk) openferrari testarossa ext: forward parking pull up head on idle shut offferrari testarossa ext: horn medium blast close upferrari testarossa ext: idle accelerate quickly to high speed from right with tire squealferrari testarossa ext: start revs shut off from rear motor areaferrari testarossa int: accelerate quickly to high speed with tire squeal from driver's perspectiveferrari testarossa int: door close person insideferrari testarossa int: door open person insideferrari testarossa int: parking brake disengageferrari testarossa int: parking brake engageferrari testarossa int: start accelerate quickly to high speed from driver's perspectiveferrari testarossa int: start revs shut off from driver's perspectiveferrari testarossa int: windshield wipers start run stop slow speedformula 1 in and out of hairpin turnformula 1 straight away single car pass bygo cart several carts race by together as a groupgo cart single go cart pass bygo cart single go cart pull away passing byindy cart indy cars: car idle and rev in paddockindy cart indy cars: several cars passing by fast on straightindy cart indy cars: single car pass by fast on straightindy cart indy cars: two cars pass by on hairpin turnjalopy ext: start idle drive at slow speed stop shut offjeep wrangler ext: accelerate quickly to high speed pass by right to left in gravel truckjeep wrangler ext: start idle accelerate quickly with tire spin in gravel truckjeep wrangler int/ext: accelerate quickly to high speed skids to a stop in gravel shut off mix version truckjeep wrangler int: accelerate normally to medium speed on gravel road from driver's perspective truckmodel t '23 ford model t : ext: electric start idle shut off from frontmodel t '23 ford model t : ext: idle pull away fast speed exit rightmodel t '23 ford model t : ext: pull up from left fast speed stop idlemuffler ext: pass by left to right dragging muffler
Auto Crash01 Impact Conc
One Shot
Auto Ferr11 Int Strt Accel
One Shot
Auto Ferr15 Int Prkbrk On
One Shot
Auto Jalopy Ext Drive Slow
One Shot
Auto Model T Ext Pa Fst
One Shot
Auto Model T Ext Strt Off
One Shot
Auto Race F1 Single Pass
One Shot
Auto Ferr10 Int Strt Off
One Shot
Auto Packard03 Ext Pa Fst
One Shot
Auto Packard06 Ext Door Op
One Shot
Auto Race Indy Mny Pas
One Shot
Auto Cobra Ext Strt Accel
One Shot
Auto Ferr03 Ext Pass Slow
One Shot
Auto Ferr12 Int Accel Fst
One Shot
Auto Neon06 Ext Door Close
One Shot
Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1: samples, sound and loops download | MuseHub

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