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  3. Martial Arts
Martial Arts

Martial Arts

Audio Hero

Immerse yourself in the world of martial arts with ' - Martial Arts' sound effects pack. From intense karate yells to powerful punches and kicks, this pack captures the energy and excitement of a tournament with spectators. Experience the guttural battle cries of a kendo match and the satisfying sound of breaking boards. With weapons like bamboo staffs and nunchucks, this pack brings the essence of martial arts to your projects. Perfect for cartoons, sports, or any...

24 BambooStaff 6073_67_5
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26 MartialArts S1104_26_2
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25 BambooStaff 6073_69_3
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27 MartialArts S1104_26_3
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23 BambooStaff 6073_67_1
One Shot

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Martial Arts: samples, sound and loops download | MuseHub