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- Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio HeroAudio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1 is a gallery of our very best sound effects. We have drawn together more than 3,000 royalty free sound effects representing over 60 major sound categories – and hand selected them from many of our most popular sound effects collections. Now available FREE, only on MuseHub.
musicdrums comedy accent percussionpianoguitar low note bend downxylophone trill percussionbell tree ascending medium percussionbell tree descending percussionbench wooden piano bench: close lidbench wooden piano bench: open lidbongos accent percussion drumsbongos latin rhythm percussion drumsbongos roll long percussion drumsbugle american tapsbugle bull fightbugle cavalry callbugle chargebugle fall inbugle first call horse racebugle general's salutebugle reveillebugle wah wah blueschimes 'here comes the bride' percussion bellchimes doorbell percussionchimes single note percussion bellchimes tower clock slow percussion bellconcert bass drum soft hit percussion drumscowbell latin rhythm percussioncowbell rattle long percussioncymbal 14' crash: crescendo percussioncymbal 14' crash: single hit percussioncymbal 16' crash: single hit percussioncymbal 18' crash: crescendo percussioncymbal 18' crash: single hit percussioncymbal splash: single hit percussiondrums drum solo percussiondrums hihat rhythm percussiondrums jazz rhythm brushes on snare percussiondrums jazz rhythm hihat percussiondrums jungle beat long percussiondrums march long snare only percussiondrums rock beat percussiongong gong roll build up percussiongong gong soft hit percussionguitar high note harmonic bend downguitar pick slideguitar pick slide and chordharp arpeggiated chord first inversionharp chordal gliss downharp chordal gliss upharp chordal gliss up and down
Music Orch Bells Trill
One Shot
Music Bugle Bull Fight
One Shot
Music Cymbal 14 Inch Roll
One Shot
Music Drums Comedy Accent7
One Shot
Music Snare Drum Roll1
One Shot
Music Timpani Roll Accel
One Shot
Music Woodblocks Gallop
One Shot
Music Harp Chordal Gliss1
One Shot
Music Snare Drum Gallows
One Shot
Music Snare Drum Roll3
One Shot
Music Orch Bells Passage2
One Shot
Music Orchestra Warming Up
One Shot
Music Bugle Wah Wah Blues
One Shot
Music Concert Bass Drum
One Shot
Music Drums Comedy Accent2
One Shot