Neutone FX
AI powered instruments and effects
AI powered instruments and effects
Create captivating patterns and unique rhythms
Flanging Stereo Tape Delay Plugin
The hassle-free & most flexible stereo plug-In
Make your sounds go loud, insanely loud!
Workstation for sequencing, sampling and synthesis
Control the shape of your sound
A gorgeous solo strings library recorded at MGM
The sound of Hollywood
Flagship string ensembles.
60 of the world's finest strings players.
Bold, detailed and powerful.
A pristine grand piano.
A beautiful set of section and solo strings.
Orchestral woodwinds in detail.
Legendary London organ
Powerful orchestral brass.
Angelic, 40 piece mixed symphonic choir.
A distinctive collection of exceptional woodwinds
Pianos, Keyboards and more
Flagship brass instruments and ensembles
Flagship woodwind instruments.
Tina's distinctly emotive acoustic cello