1. MuseHub
DSGNRise_Designed Rise Low Clean Rise Noise Crisp Simple Trailer _ESM_AMT
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DSGNRise_Designed Rise Sky is Falling Swell Pebbles Rubble Collapse _ESM_AMT
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DSGNRise_Designed Rise Tearing Metal Screech 2 Sub Thick Deep Metallic _ESM_AMT
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DSGNRise_Designed Rise Winds of Change Clean Long Ringing Dark Swell _ESM_AMT
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DSGNMisc_Designed Tail Shimmer me Timbers Tonal Bright Decay Trailer _ESM_AMT
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DSGNStngr_Designed Hit Dystopian Deep Tonal Hit Dystopian Deep Clean Shimmer Bass Sub _ESM_AMT
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DSGNStngr_Designed Hit Dystopian Gong Ripper Long Texture Gong Slam Rich _ESM_AMT
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DSGNStngr_Designed Hit Dystopian Scratchy Deep Gong Long Tonal Ringing Deep _ESM_AMT
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DSGNStngr_Designed Hit Electricity Event Horizon Swell Tech Hit Electricity Static Computer _ESM_AMT
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DSGNBoom_Designed Hit Fire Blast Furnace 2 Fire Ringing Anvil Burst Flame _ESM_AMT
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DSGNBoom_Designed Hit Fire Molotov Fire Woosh Glass Explosion 1_ESM_AMT
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DSGNBoom_Designed Hit Fire Smoldering Wreckage Fire Flame Crackle Slam _ESM_AMT
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DSGNStngr_Designed Hit Metallic Metallic Smack Long Tail Texture Tonal Whack _ESM_AMT
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DSGNStngr_Designed Hit Metallic Pile Up Large Crash Metallic Smack _ESM_AMT
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DSGNStngr_Designed Hit Metallic Train Car Rattle Texture Swell Thick _ESM_AMT
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