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- Loops & Audio
- Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio HeroAudio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1 is a gallery of our very best sound effects. We have drawn together more than 3,000 royalty free sound effects representing over 60 major sound categories – and hand selected them from many of our most popular sound effects collections. Now available FREE, only on MuseHub.
cartoonhumandoorhouseholdfootstepsportsmusiccrowdanimalgunautoofficecrashtelephonesci fiimpactconstructionmotorcycleairplaneboatmilitaryclockwaterindustrytrainweatherglassbodyfallcoinfirebirdhockeyhospitalelevatortrafficbulletpunchdishesbuscasinobottlelockdropboxcasefly by small space craft or object passing byracebody hard body punch impactcabinetrobot
Door Auto Creaky Slow Open
One Shot
Door Barn Stall Close
One Shot
Door Cage Metal Close
One Shot
Door Vault04 Closing Imp1
One Shot
Door Metal04 Hinge Squeak
One Shot
Door Metal24 Pushbar Op
One Shot
Door Metal31 Stairwell Op
One Shot
Door Pneumatic Piston Hiss
One Shot
Door Prison Electric Cls
One Shot
Explosion Med Debris
One Shot
Explosion Metl Glass Crash4
One Shot
Drop Garbage Into Plas Can4
One Shot
Earthquake Int Rumble Crash
One Shot
Electricity Snapping Arcing
One Shot
Electricity Stage Light Arc
One Shot