Muse Sounds proudly present Muse Woodwinds: a stunning collection of 17 solo woodwind instruments, recorded by some of the world’s premier session musicians. This amazing collection has been crafted exclusively for Muse Sounds, and playback within MuseScore Studio and StaffPad.
Muse Sounds proudly present Muse Woodwinds: a stunning collection of 17 solo woodwind instruments, recorded by some of the world’s premier session musicians. This amazing collection has been crafted exclusively for Muse Sounds, and playback within MuseScore Studio and StaffPad.
Muse Sounds proudly present Muse Woodwinds: a stunning collection of 17 solo woodwind instruments, recorded by some of the world’s premier session musicians. This amazing collection has been crafted exclusively for Muse Sounds, and playback within MuseScore Studio and StaffPad.
This collection features a consistent array of articulations, which makes trying out colours as easy as copy and pasting the music between instruments: expressive sustains with true legato samples (including fast legatos) for realistic melodic lines; smart speed-controlled staccatos based on note duration and tempo; trills (with both semi tone and whole tone intervals), flutter tongue, harmonics/overtones, sampled mordents, falls, turns, accents, marcatos, and still/senza vibrato sustains round out a truly useful palette of colourful articulations to work with. Get ready to be blown away!
Muse Sounds require no set up or effort to work with - simply write your music, and push play.
Best of all, Muse Woodwinds is completely FREE for you to use in your compositions.
Made with ❤️ by Muse.
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